Tuesday, February 20, 2007
SECTION 1 - ABOUT YOU+ Known as:
jonathan+ Born: 3rd nov 91SECTION 2 - HAVE YOU EVER+ Fallen off the bed?:
yup+ Broken someone else's heart?: yar
+ Had your heart broken?: yup
+ Had a dream come true?: yar
SECTION 3 - CURRENTLY...+ Wearing: OBS shirt and shorts+ Listening to: my bro talking on the phone/music+ Chatting with: 3 othersSECTION 4 - DO YOU...+ Have any piercings: nope+ Drive: i want to+ Drink: had red wine yesterday+ Have a cell phone: yup
SECTION 5 - LAST PERSON YOU...+ Hugged: haven hugged someone except for fritz+ Talked with on the phone: i forgot..
+ Text: kai junSECTION 7- FAVORITES+ Show: almost everything is a favourite+ Food :
too many =x+ Color: blackSECTION 8 - DO YOU...+ Like to give hugs: yeah *hugs fritz*+ Like to walk in the rain: yup+ Prefer black or blue: black+ Sleep on your side: yup+ Have stuffed animals: yarSECTION 9- This Or That..(pick)+ Pierced nose or tongue: can i choose none?+
MTV or BET: MTV+ 7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek: wad?+ Chocolate or flowers:
chocolate+ Colored or black-and-white photo: black and white+ Stay up late or sleep in:
stay up late+ Hot or cold: there's a time for each one+ Sun or moon:
moon+ Left or Right: right+ Spring or Fall: spring+ Happy or sad:
happy+ Wonder or amazement: wonderSECTION 10: FIRSTS.+ First piercing/tattoo: those temp tattoos ._.+ First crush:
msn meSECTION 11: LASTS.+ Last time you cried: long time ago+ Last phone call: yesterdaySECTION 12: CURRENT.+Current mood: sleepy+Current food: none+Current annoyance(s): homework =/SECTION 13: WHO LAST...+Made you smile:
friends+Made you cry: can't recall..SECTION 14: WOULD YOU RATHER...+Be serious or be funny?: funny.. dun wanna be too dull right?+Drink whole or skim milk?: soya milk =D+
Spend time with your parents or enemy?: parentsSECTION 15: DO YOU PREFER...
1. Do you prefer gray or black?: black2. Lust or love?: love3. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset4. M&M's or skittles?: skittles. M&M is also nice =DSECTION 16: ANSWER TRUTHFULLY...1. Do you like anyone right now?: i don't know nope
2. Do you believe in love at fire sight?: probably3. Do you fall for the wrong guy or girl?: maybe i did
flash, snap, take
10:50 PM
just got back from my mum's uncle's place.. met up with my aunties and uncle whom i haven see for quite a while.. the cheese cake made by my uncle is freaking nice.. he's only in NS.. my mum's uncle's son, so he's my uncle.. yup.. got 1 more angbao also =x
that shld be the last visit for this lunar new year.. school's starting tmr.. sigh! why can't they give longer holidays?
hmm 1 more round of td till dinner is done.. gonna steamboat the leftovers from yesterday.. 3 steamboats for 3 days @.@
this question was asked by my bro,
7-11 opens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.
you don't see it closed on eves of public holidays or public holidays either.
but why are there locks on the doors?
leave your answer at the tagboard
will tell you the answer tmr..
a life of pleasure makes even the strongest mind frivolous at last
flash, snap, take
7:00 PM
time flies so quickly when you're playing and playing..
there's only 1 more day of holiday left!! i was still thinking that it's only sun just now..
all my work is still untouched!! no dota tmr till i finish! kick me if you see me online..
changed blog song from the theme song of Friends to that of DareDevil
actions speak louder than words
flash, snap, take
4:16 AM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
only one and a half hour left of chu yi left.. hmm.. no big deal anyway =x
there's nian chu er, chu san.. and its back to school again.. argh..
oh yar, i haven started on my work.. damm..
just got back from steamboat at my grandparents' hse.. sweat and sweat non-stop during the steamboat.. well, i sat at the wrong seat.. sat where the steam blew towards to.. stupid right =="
grandparents and two of my aunts will be coming over to my hse for steamboat lunch tmr.. at night go restaurant for yu sheng.. and wed go to my mum's uncle's place for buffet.. so much food ._.
time to slack for the rest of chu yi.. dota or audi??
the advantage of bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time
flash, snap, take
10:29 PM
3hrs into the first day of new year already..
ytd, besides matthew's bday, my youngest cousin was also born =D
Charlotte Poon Jia Le.. she was born around 3.30am.. saw her photo in my aunt's hp today, bundled up in the towels..
yup.. dota-ed quite a bit ytd.. win the first few and lost those at night.. sigh i need training..
anyway, guess i gotta cut down on dota..
1) afking in game puts your team and yourself at a disadvantage
2) each game is nearly 1hr
can't stop half way.. that kinda sucks..
to linky,
though you're nt some ninja wanna-be or smth.. you're a monkey =x
try doing wad this guy does
Ninja Obstacle Courseyawn.. going to visit relatives later in the day..
gd night =D
ask not what others can do for you but what you can do for others
flash, snap, take
3:15 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
wee its chinese new year's eve
blogging for friday..
oh yar, since its already the 17th, happy bday matthew =D
didn't really know what happened during the celebrations.. slept all the way after the wushu performance ._. well.. i slept at 5 =x
anyway, everyone else was either playing with hp or sleeping also..
went back to pei hwa after helping jasper to give out the cards and wish hon happy chinese new year personally..
only zhuo yan and i went back.. sad.. not many from other schools went back also.. talked to the teachers for quite a while.. and also talked to leeks' wife.. his wife teaches at my pri school and she sits beside my pri school teacher.. small world.. she joined in our conversation when the juniors talked about how kala nagged at them.. haha..
went to play lan and pool with eld, xj, hongliang, zhao rui, woon yang and
bird bert at bukit timah shopping centre.. cs and dota was fun.. tink i'm getting hooked onto dota =D
will play with you guys after i get it installed..
have no friends not equal to yourself
flash, snap, take
1:31 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
happy bday ee chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
and happy total defence day ._.
had a talk by wendy chua k. wand, Aunt Agony in "The Living Room" from 93.8, during assembly today..
went to beach road with jh and elson. long ride there. 2 stops away from golden mile, received a call. from cw.. i freaking forgot that there was a briefing for frisbee comp today.. its like 4.45 already and he wants me to go back to school.. wth =="
went around golden mile market and golden mile complex several times and no shop sells vertical poles.. even cjk and his CI frens do not know where to get.. antique equipment.. searched till 5.30 and we gave up.. jh got 12 balls of twine and 6 stoves.. tanking everything back in MRT by himself..
the bus ride to beach road was long.. the ride back was even longer.. zzz.. at least had elson to talk to =D and cw, he rocks.. reached school at 7.15, talk to me 10mins, and that's the end ==" all i got was an e-mail address.. sry jasper =|
sian its almost 1.30am.. CNY celebrations in 6 hours!
pessimists look at the difficulties in opportunities; optimists look at the opportunities in difficulties
flash, snap, take
11:57 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
happy valentine's day =D
received a "gift" from esther today.. a geog test that which i flunked =="
anyway, valentine's day today also marks the end of the mugging =D
sec 1 training today.. rather eventful.. we got pwned by those construction workers..
me: sec 1s, did you find Shoe Pile fun?
kelvin: the shoes are smelly
*sec 1s laugh*
me: ok..
construction worker who is way up the scaffold: hahaha
*sec 1s laugh even more*
that lame guy.. suddenly hahaha from no where..
dinner at poolside again,
jh: spell light's surname backwards.. yagami light..
so many ppl walking by at the bus-stop with a flower or their partner's hand in their hand..
anyway, happy valentine's day again!
the desire to love is not itself love, love is as love does
flash, snap, take
8:46 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
damm.. i studied until so early in the morn today and the geog test is postponed to tmr.. esther wants to add more things into the test, furthermore, we'll be taking the test after school tmr not during lesson! gotta study even more nw..
sry jiahan.. forgot to tell you that my test was postponed so didn't pass you the notes..
got back my chi paper today.. shld be able to add 2 more marks i guess.. if the 2 marks gets added, MSG for chem, maths and chi will become 1.25..
shld be getting back our physics paper tmr.. tink i screwed up =|
we'll see tmr..
wanted to come home and sleep after lunch today.. however, i ended up playing bball with xj, eld, linky, kkj and some others.. play play play till 4+.. keep missing the shots, zzz.. nooby.. will play more often if possible =D
read through the anti ah lian blog ytd. the blog is rather informative and hilarious. you guys shld go and read it as well. had quite a gd laugh when i read it with ivy
erm, be prepared for some of the pics there though.. uber ugly twits..
life is like riding a bicycle, you do not fall off unless you decide to stop pedalling
flash, snap, take
6:49 PM
Monday, February 12, 2007
http://aalteam.blogspot.com/ here's a link i got from shii's blog. support the anti-twits.. wonder why those twits waste so much time typing in language that is so difficult to understand.. lame attention seekers.. jus like those girls reported in 'IN' today.. pack slashing, a big group of girls cut their wrist together.. stupid attention seekers also..
got back 2 more results back today.. total of 3.. current MSG 1.5 ._.
edit: damm i jus rmb i lose to eld in chem.. 2.5 marks of careless..
meeting with adeline today.. we did not plan last friday's training so yup.. obviously we screwed up.. eh tmr meet for wednesday's training! dun screw up even further.. btw, elson and felix, pls get ur job scope correct..
left with geog test tmr..
anyway, i dun tink alvin's going for the leadership sabbac.. guess its zhong hong, tor, me and shu zong.
nothing is impossible, some things are just less likely than others
flash, snap, take
9:15 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
zing zingy zang za-zang za-zang zingy zingy zang zingy zingy za-zang za-zang zoom
saw this emb msg from charles low today
Leadership Sabbactical -- you are nominatedDear Zhong Hong, Alvin and Jonathan
I have nominated you for this term's leadership sabbactical because you did not attend it last year.
Pls see me on Mon to confirm if you can/cannot attend it.
Pls give me your reasons (if you cannot attend).
Thank You.
C Low
no more superteen sabbactical but there's this leadership one! =D
response for the Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner is bad.. 90% said no when i called them again today..
back to mugging IHC..
PCK's final episode on channel 5 now. watch watch =D
yea, there'll be a new movie by gurmit singh and that guy that starred as bobo coming out in March! let's go watch~
friends are needed for both joy and sorrow
flash, snap, take
7:29 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
woo two more tests down..
humanities left..
sec 1s' first training today. the 11 that felix and i took were rather good. guess our group learnt the most =D
was so nervous while being parade commander =| forgot the names of the two absent sec 2s and to ask if got any announcements to make.. so nooby.. oh well, its over =D
life is like a classroom, you'll learn more everyday
flash, snap, take
11:02 PM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
chem and phy is over~
eng and chi is tmr..
ihc and geog is next week..
4 more tests to go.
kind words do not cost much but they do accomplish alot
flash, snap, take
10:09 PM
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
argh, this skin is too small to display a youtube video..
anyway, here's the link
Naruto Song Comedyfeel like watching naruto again.. i stopped at like epi 90+ and it's already epi 200+ now ._.
shows i wanna watch after the tests next week:
Ouran High School Host Club
Tsubasa Chronicle
Chrno Crusade
random extract from what lit students are studying now
The Sea Battle
"Thus if it is true to say that a thing is white, it must necessarily be white; if the reverse proposition is true, it will of necessarily not be white. Again, if it is white, the proposition stating that it is white was true; if it is not white, the proposition to the opposite effect was true. And if it is not white, the man who states that it is is making a false statement; and if the man who states that it is white is making a false statement, it follows that it is not white. It may therefore be argued that is necessary that affirmations or denials must be either true of false."
do you get it?
off to study phy and chem~
your thoughts will translate into your actions.your actions will become your habits.your habits will determine your destiny.
flash, snap, take
5:07 PM
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
ahh fell asleep at 6.30 and there goes my whole evening ><
lucky tmr's geog test is shifted next week, if not i'm gg-fied for the test
anyway, i'm off to sleep again =x
can't sleep much tmr. mug for phy and chem!
There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.
flash, snap, take
10:41 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities
flash, snap, take
4:13 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Singapore won Thailand.
grats Team Singapore.
flash, snap, take
9:57 PM
was too tired to blog last night. reach home and fell asleep right after bathing..
went to Taman Jurong to do CIP organized by the Taman Jurong Service Learning Club. so early lor.. we started work at 8+ when most ppl will be alseep on a saturday.. the residents at Taman Jurong were impoverished, its hard seeing ppl with nth much in those small flats.. its even harder to accept when the old granny passed us two bags of shirts. shirts that belonged to her husband. her husband who has already passed away. ><
went back to Taman Jurong CC for breakfast after we finished block 116. argh i got scammed! $1 ice milo.. saw juniors playing bball at the court so we started playing with them =x
so nooby now.. too long nv play liao.
the whole CIP activity ended about an hour before schedule.. so many residents were asleep or had nothing to give..
the rest started playing match with the juniors so i watched them play.. i play, lose face nia =x
watched and watched.. then i fell asleep there.. =x
went to vivo after changing out..



jon yeo and luther




no bubbles T_T


the sticker on eld's neck
omg tai ji power *wow*

black and silver schnazuer


salt and pepper schnauzers
that standard poodle was $7800! 5 months old and its so ex @@


its the trust leaf pen again! eld got cheated like twice ._. noob =x

jon yeo the penguin!
left vivo at 3 for eng tuition.. ahhhh stupid tuition.. make me go here and there..
went to bunk after tuition to meet sasa. paid him for the Ohana T-shirts. managed to find eld and xj at Zone X.. grrrr dao my phone calls.. went for dinner with them. guess who we saw. junwen! that's so random lar.. stand outside ps wondering where's mong and she appeared from no where ._. must be attracted by someone =x
talked to mong for a while before having dinner.. ahhh so sad that gay Ronald found out T_T wasted 70+ smses on him.. sigh..
reached home at 9+ and slept at 10.. all the way till 9 this morn =x sleep sleep!
yup that's abt all for ytd.. nth special happened today.. so nth to blog abt.. btr start calling the old boys liao..
perserverance is passing on the twentieth time after failing the first nineteen
flash, snap, take
4:26 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
the ass in my class is becoming more and more idiotic..
stood in for jeremy ang and jasper as sec 3 squad NCO. one went for The Arena and the other had to do filming for founder's day.. argh u film me during parade! i dun wan to appear in the vid!!
drill was rather slack for them.. they were only taught cane drill.. besides cane drill, guessed they learnt not to stand on one leg anymore.. they got pumped like 100 in total for doing that.. if they still continue standing on one leg for future trainings, pump without warnings liao~
revision on hurricane lamp lighting, hmm.. sec 3s gotta improve.. many of them can't light the match with one strike ._. NCOs, let them play with matches more often lar =x
be more enthu sec 3s! pt cheering was like so soft.. 4 NCOs + 2 CIs were like louder than the 30 odd of you.. losing my voice again =/ *cough cough*
secondary 1 cadets are coming in next friday.. SSC! why are you so infexible?! argh.. nvm.. PT's gone =D
the selection of sec 1s sounded fun.. but too bad i wasn't there to
fight for choose the sec 1s..
a mediocre teacher says, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher demostrates, a great teacher inspires
flash, snap, take
10:26 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
say bye to january and hello to feb~
first month of 2007 has already passed.. quite fast hor? ._.
upcoming events in febvalentine's day: 14 feb
ee chu's bday: 15 feb
chinese new year celebration: 16 feb
matthew's bday: 17 feb
chinese new year: 18 feb
felix's bday: 21 feb
gina's bday: 21 feb
zhi wan's bday: 24th feb
luther's bday: 27th feb
that's abt all i can think of.. yup..
got the trigo test back today.. guess how much i got =x
world war III is being fought in class..
Singapore VS Malaysia VS Vietnam VS China VS India
its so lame watching them fight everyday =="
one's actions for life, echoes for eternitydes: one's terrapin for life, veggies for eternity
flash, snap, take
9:00 PM